Saturday, August 29, 2009

i stay in boarding, i burn my time in the gym. i cycle to places no one knows and i find thrill in doing things the extraordinary way. i hate mainstream, esp mainstream music, top 10 charts are so outta the world for me. i listen to trance, i drink 100 plus for breakfast. i think the world is slowly coming to an end and so we'd better cherish and soak in whatever we have now. i love traveling, i secretly want to be a tour guide and work in best denki because i think im a better salesman than those there. i wanna learn all the sports, i want to be good in everything when it comes to being sporty. even when im playing badminton against the best , i always want to win that point. i dont give up easily, i'm naturally competitive and aggressive (something ive learn to tone down on). i think i got leadership qualities but i'm not the most motivated leader.

i love my family, i try to plan my time well and spend time with them whether its catching a movie or bowling at 2am on saturday nights. i know they are super supportive in whatever i do as long as i stay on the correct path. and i know i wont send them to the old folks home (read an article on today that said more kids sending their parents to the folks home) because they've given me more than what i deserve and have always put in their priorities.

i think living in sydney is good, everyone is all outdoors and working out at the beach, i love that kind of lifestyle. nothing better than to run on sand on a 16degree morning and taking a dip into the waters of bondi.done that, miss that. i also like how Scandinavians prepare their breakfast, the houses in sweden. the flat land in holland for cycling. the canadian mountain bike trails. ice-sailing in norwegian lakes. i think i have alot of plans for the future but now i got to keep working my ass to bring in enough income for that. i like to think im capable of doing that. i like to think that at the end of the day, almost everyone would have a degree but its how u put all that you've experienced into play at the interview.

I think im going korea as well this year but I don’t know yet.

i'm not your average joe. ive spent 4 europe summers in germany and 2 oceania summers in australia. europe is my playground, sports school is my escape. i come and go so easily its not very often that i have a time off. so to be my gf, its not that all easy. it gets frustrating when im 8000 miles away and phone bill costs are such bitches. so i can thank everyone up there for letting me find someone like her. someone that not only understands but motivates me even more. the road is long but i know one day will go house hunting abroad and thats gonna be when we suddenly think to ourselves, its well all worth it. & i love u Qing

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