Sunday, April 18, 2010

ok its been 19days since i got back frm that horrible china weather. nothing much has been going cept for the fact i strained my back and so im gnna get it checked tmr. exams are up in 12 days time, its almost the last stretch for me now.

1.I have decided to get a DSLR and im waiting for the correct time to get it/learning more about it as well at the mo. Spells it all well for my travel plans the next few months in europe. Of course hoping the volcano in bloody iceland stops erupting

2.As soon as my exams r done i will take a 1-2 day break at some secluded place. Reason being- Next sem(may) i have 5 night classes, 3 mornings, i have to do my internship at California Fitness, go for training (sailing), do 3-5 times of gym a week, sort my dreamplus meetings, hang out with the folks and chill with my sweetheart. I will barely have time for everything, but i will find a way to complete what i have to do ( THANKS RED BULL for the products!)

3. I will save up so that i can pay for uni be it local or overseas ( if i get 0.1 gpa more)

4. My diploma has a direct transfer to NCAP (national coaching accreditation something....) so yes, thats sickk!

5. within the next months my body will go through changes as i make my final attempt to gain 6-7kgs for sailing. That just means my shoulders will get broader. I will be snacking heaps and drinking alot of those milkshakes. OOh yes.. not forgetting beer as well.

gdnight. time check 3.13am. i have a 19hour day starting at 545am sending mum to the airport

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